About the Dream of Colorado Artisan Connect

Idea #1

Sometimes great achievements are lost, not because we didn't do great things, but because we failed to do one little thing that would have made a great difference.  Like taking our medicine, eating wholesome food, actually drinking water, making sure the mic is working before you get up to do the concert..... 

The term "starving artist" came about, not because artists and artisans can't do great things, but because a creative mind works very differently from a business mind.  A creative mind can come up with 1000 ideas easily, but a business mind takes one idea and sells it 1000 times.

Idea #2

Often one artisan can not afford the time, energy and money it takes to create a successful business selling their art or works.  Website design, email marketing, doing live shows, not to mentioning marketing or advertising campaigns, all cost a lot.  If an artist is gifted at both, has the time, energy and desire to do both, that is probably the best way for them to go.  Or if an artist has a business (or marriage!) partner than can handle the business for them and the money is moving sufficiently to support both of them, that is another way artists can go.  But what about the rest of us aMAZingly gifted artisans who just don't have the time, energy or money?  Where do we go?  Our hope is that you can come here and find resources and help to get the ball rolling to use your talents and gifts to benefit the community AND (yeah, money helps...) produce some income for yourself along the way.

Our dream is connecting creative minds with business minds and starting at home - starting local, rather than global.   The "how-to" gets a bit complicated, but we believe the strategies we are working to implement will benefit our artists and artisans, allowing them to have a group of local supporters that are their base "fan group."  From there, we can extend the circle outward, but remain faithful first to our local communities, supporting those around us before buying art from Wal-mart or "made in China."

We're not trying to put large chains out of business - we're not going to sell hand-made toilet paper. No, we're not.... We just believe our communities can begin to look inward instead of outward to find fine gifts for family and friends.  And we believe that support starts with us.


Dare to join us in the dream - as a customer, sponsor or artisan.  Let's see where we can go together to support local artists and our communities.